SCS Catastrophe TeamÂ
Hurricanes are capable of immense destruction. Wind speeds during a hurricane can reach upwards of 200 miles per hour, which is strong enough to damage or destroy buildings and uproot trees. Heavy rains and flooding can wipe out entire neighborhoods while surging ocean waves can basically level shorelines. The loss of lives, property, and livelihoods is enormous. While the destruction caused by a major hurricane can never be undone, it is essential to aid in the recovery process and to help those affected in any way we can.
Vehicle owners are desperate for relief in the first days after the event. Damage mitigation information can differentiate between a total loss and a repairable vehicle. Their vehicles often need to be moved away from the residence so repairs to the home can begin. With this said, SCS strives to be on site within 48 hours of the event. Although there are times when areas are not open or safe to travel to, our team heads to the locality as the event ends.
Rapid Response Team:
- Deploys within 48 hours
- Can scale to meet any volume of work
- Utilizes a customized matrix to assess damage in relation to the water level and type
- Includes experienced appraisers with numerous prior deployments
- Consists of both independent appraisers and SCS Staff Appraisers, with on-site SCS management for guidance
- Travels in a 34' Class "A" motorhome command center that accommodates up to ten people
- Provides two different mobile internet services to maximize connectivity in affected areas
- Is trained to handle flood losses by the American Vehicle Damage Institute
- Achieves an average cycle time of 6.18 days for specialty vehicles during a CAT Loss.