Score a Home Run with SCS Property Damage Appraisers
Occasionally, those who are insured may collide with various types of property, such as homes, mailboxes, lamp posts, guard rails, bus stops, restaurants, buildings, landscapes, gas pumps, and other structures. These collisions can cause business downtime, homeowners may need to relocate, and traffic hazards may arise. We recognize the urgency of these situations.
Our team of appraisers, equipped with Xactimate, has extensive experience in assessing light property damage. Our leading inside property appraiser was a general contractor for several years and has been estimating property damage for over 30 years.
Putting it together:
- Xactimate Estimates
- National Coverage
- Experienced Appraisers
- Experienced SCS Staff Members
- Flat Rates in most areas
- Fast cycle-times